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Curbside Pickup

Are you having trouble deciding what book to read or movie to watch? We'd love to help! While the building is closed, we can put together a selection of books, movies, etc. just for you and your family and have it ready to pickup the next day. If you want multiple sets, please fill out the form for each person.

Beginning on Moday, June 8th, you can call or chat the library to request specific items to pick up. These requests will be ready in one hour. Please call or text the Library when you are coming to pick up your order.

Library Takeout will begin on Monday, June 8th. There may be a delay in filling orders depending on the volume of requests. We have limited staff working in the building to allow for social distancing. We will have materials ready for you as quickly as possible, while providing a safe work space for our staff. 

Click here to begin your Library Takeout!