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Curbside Pickup Request Form

Request Items for Curbside Pickup

Are you having trouble deciding what book to read or movie to watch? Do you need materials to assist with remote learning? We'd love to help! We can put together a selection of books, movies, etc. just for you and your family and have it ready to pickup the next day. If you want multiple sets, please fill out the form for each person.

Click here to read more about Curbside Pickup and how it works!

Type in the last 7 digits of your library card number
Do you want a specific item?
Age group of the reader or viewer
Age or reading level
Tell us what you like
Which do you prefer
Tell us what titles, authors, directors, TV shows, bands, and or genres you like.
What have you read, watched, or listened to that we should avoid?
Examples: No rated-R movies, I already read every book in a series, no science fiction, nothing that's on Netflix, etc.
How many items do you want
Let us know if you’re interested in extras (Story Time kits, craft kits, Library of Things collection, or coloring sheets).
2 + 14 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
A simple check to see if you're human!