DuPage Pads

DuPage Pads offers in-person assessments for shelter and housing resources. An access center with showers, lockers and laundry is available along with basic needs.
DuPage Pads offers in-person assessments for shelter and housing resources. An access center with showers, lockers and laundry is available along with basic needs.
Dupage pads ofrece evaluaciones en persona para recursos de refugio y vivienda. Un centro de acceso de necesidades básicas incluyendo bañeras, casilleros y lavanderías.
Goodwill Workforce Connection Centers provide convenient access, tools and technology, and support to those looking for work. Offering resume assistance, job preparation workshops, job leads and a regular schedule of employer recruitment sessions.
Literacy DuPage offers resources, tutoring, and conversation groups for English learners in the community.
Literacy DuPage ofrece recursos, tutorías y grupos de conversación para los estudiantes de inglés de la comunidad.
PRC offers services to DuPage residents that help met their needs. PRC offers food, clothes, and rent assistance. Get matched with a job coach for resume writing, interview practice, and job searching. Improve your skills with English tutoring.
PRC ofrece servicios a residentes de DuPage. PRC ofrece despensa de alimentos, ropa y asistencia financiera. También puede conectar con un entrenador de trabajo para búsqueda de trabajo y práctica de entrevista. PRC también ofrece tutorías de inglés.
Tutoring English to Advance Change offers conversation groups and individual tutors to empower English learners in the community.
Tutoring English to Advance Change ofrece grupos de conversación y tutores individuales para capacitar a los estudiantes de inglés de la comunidad.
workNet DuPage provides an extensive range of free services. Job seeker services include scholarships of up to $10,000 for job training programs, job search workshops, career counseling, a job search resource center, and more.
World relief offers services for Refugees & Immigrants such as Immigration Legal Services (fees apply),Education Services, Employment Services and much more.
World relief oferce un resumen de rervicios como Servicios Legales de Inmigración (pueden aplicarse tarifas), Educación, Empleo, y mucho más.