Sara Lock, Adult Services Specialist
February 2024
A wonderful way to discover new reads and enhance your reading experience is by signing up for a library book box!
Every two months, six times per year, our Book Box team provides hand-picked titles and some goodies in the book boxes we create. Book Boxes are actually a two-month process that involves many library staff members! Staff in the Children’s, Teen, and Adult Services departments are part of the Book Box team.
Every two months, patrons with Addison Public Library cards begin registering on the library website for the next book box. When registering, patrons answer brief questions about the types of books they like and any requests they may have for their next read. The more information the patron gives about their likes and dislikes, the easier it is for the librarians to make the best book choice possible. Registration is open for about a month. During this time, the Book Box team orders goodies related to that book box’s theme. For example, the theme for the February book box is “Leap into Reading,” and April is “Every Day is Earth Day.”
Staff members review all registered patron responses and get to work selecting books! In Adult Services, all staff in the department review the book box registrations and select one title for each adult registered based on the theme and the patron’s responses. Two staff members in Teen Services work together to choose books for teens and young adult readers. In Children’s Services, staff members work together and choose 2-3 titles that fit the theme and age for each child registered.

Next, staff in the Materials Management department pull the selected titles from the shelves, and we start assembling the boxes! We enjoy making sure each box has the correct book and the fun goodies that patrons get to keep.
Once the boxes are ready, Guest Services staff places the books on hold for the patrons. Patrons come in throughout the month to pick up their boxes, and Guest Services staff check them out. When patrons return the boxes and books, Guest Services staff check them back in. Don't forget to keep the goodies inside — those are yours to keep!
Now you know how Book Boxes are made! Ready to sign up?
The April Book Box theme is "Every Day is Earth Day". Registration begins Thurs., Feb. 1 and ends Mon., Mar. 4. Book Boxes will be available for pickup April 1-30. Sign up at addisonlibrary.org/book-box. Open to all Addison Public Library cardholders. Space is limited!
If you have any questions about Book Boxes, give us a call at 630.543.3617, visit us in-person, or reach out at addisonlibrary.org/contact.