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Order Items

Photo of books stacked on tableWant something we don't own?

If you search our catalog and can't find what you're looking for, you can use your Addison Public Library card to try to find the item you want through other libraries.

Questions about items? Call 630.458.3318 for help! 

Search Library Catalogs from around the U.S.

You can also search for the title you want in WorldCat to expand your search to other libraries outside of Illinois. When you find the item you want, click the "request" button at the bottom of the page and fill in the form. We'll contact you as soon as your item arrives.

Place an Order

Let us do the searching! If you can't find an item in our catalog or maybe it’s not even released yet, just fill out the order form below. We will either purchase the item to add it to our collection if it falls within our collection guidelines or use interlibrary loan to try find the item from another library. We'll let you know if your item is available as soon as possible.

Item Information
Article Information
Suggest a Purchase Information
Do you want the library to purchase this item?
Why should we purchase it? Want it for Xbox One? Tell us here.
Contact Information
We will notify you via email or postal mail when the item arrives according to the preferences set in your library account.
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