Resources: Learn a Language
LingoLITE offers basic vocabulary training in 30 different languages, perfect for travelers and beginning language learners. Users can choose both the interface language and the language of study, and the instructional video and audio is presented by native speakers.
Live Lingua
Try very short language courses for over 130 world languages such as Spanish, Chinese, French, Japanese, and German, or less-spoken languages and dialects such as Konkomba, TokPisin, Turkish, Mandinka, Uzbek, Wolof and more.
Enjoy a picture book collection of 3,000 book titles in 65+ languages, including Arabic, American Sign Language, Arabic, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Ukrainian, Urdu and more!
Mango Languages
Learn languages through native conversations: Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish or English as a Second Language from Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, or Spanish.
Aprenda idiomas a través de conversaciones nativas: chino mandarín, francés, alemán, griego, italiano, japonés, portugués brasileño, ruso y español o inglés como segundo idioma del polaco, portugués brasileño o español.
Muzzy Club
Learn a new language or improve your first language through videos, reading, games and more! To use Muzzy Club on a mobile device, download the MuzzyApp. Use the username and the password AddisonMuzzy to access. Please note that the MuzzyApp only allows videos to be played. All other games must be accessed through this Muzzy website.
News for You
Easy-to-read news stories that can help you learn to read, write, speak, and understand the English language. Seven news stories are posted each Wednesday, along with audio, exercises, vocabulary, a crossword puzzle, a word search, and a poll. Listen to each story in-full or sentence-by-sentence.
Please enter F4155D in the box that says "Enter Your News For You Password."
Lessons in over 80 languages, focusing on pronunciation and teaches English from 50 source languages.
Lecciones en más de 80 idiomas, centradas en la pronunciación y enseñanza de inglés en 50 idiomas de origen.
Lecciones en más de 80 idiomas centradas en la pronunciación. Los usuarios pueden elegir la versión en Español / Inglés.
Read It!
Nonfiction articles and texts adapted for English language learners. Covers a variety of topics and includes short quizzes.
Transparent Language
Learn a new language with a selection of more than 118 languages. From Afrikaans to Zulu, it offers skill-building activities in the four key components of learning a language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Transparent Language also provides English courses for speakers of more than 25 languages, from beginner lessons to immersive material for intermediate and advanced learners.
Aprenda un nuevo idioma con una selección de más de 100 idiomas. Desde afrikáans hasta zulú, ofrece actividades de desarrollo de habilidades en los cuatro componentes clave del aprendizaje de un idioma: escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir. Transparent Language también ofrece cursos de inglés para hablantes de más de 25 idiomas, desde lecciones para principiantes hasta material inmersivo para estudiantes de nivel intermedio y avanzado.